Making a Bridge to the Old Age by Learning Abacus
Making a Bridge between the Modern World of Learning Abacus and the Old Educational System
Learning abacus is a technique by which one can comfortably perform the four basic mathematical operations mentally. There is no difference whether one can read and write or not? Since if one knows how to use the abacus, they can easily enjoy the benefits of this efficient tool for financial calculations.
For instance, if we want to point to one the issues of learning how to work with this efficient tool based on the proposed theories, we can refer to the blind people’s conditions. Blind people cannot easily read and write as common people, therefore, they can use braille to achieve this purpose.
A blind person has no exact and proper picture of numbers in her/his mind, however, s/he can improve her/his learning process by touching abacus breads and following a certain period of time when the picture of abacus has been formed in her/his mind, s/he can imagine it and calculate numbers by mental thoughts without using the abacus.
Learning Abacus as the Old Age in the Modern Age
In today’s modern world, what requirements are satisfied by learning how to use abacus? Nowadays, most of children and students use different kinds of advanced tools in their learning process. By using different computer software or applications, these electronic devices, including cellphones, tablets, laptops or computers enable students to speedily undergo the process of financial calculations for their mathematic course.
As these kinds of tools only solve mathematical problems and provide final answers for the students, originally, learning process is not undergone properly; by using abacus, however, students can solve mathematical problems like the old age with no special software.
Abacus can improve creativity and innovation in students to solve mathematical problems needless to use today’s modern software. Students can perform financial calculations through a simple process in a short time which leads to improve their self-confidence through learning process.
The Benefits of Using Abacus
Considering that abacus is an old efficient tool, however, it holds a lot to say in today’s modern world. If your student faces problems in mathematics for any reasons and you tried all methods to improve his/her ability in learning mathematics, we have a new suggestion for you. We recommend you to try abacus-learning courses. Undoubtedly, you will be surprised when learning process takes place.
Abacus brings major benefits for your children. At first, it increases children’s knowledge of mathematics. Skill-learning by using abacus can boost self-confidence in your children to solve the most difficult problems at the earliest possible time.
The students would gain more concentration since they are forced to use their mind to solve mathematical problems. Thus, developing concepts and skills of solving problems would be significantly increased and students would not be fugitive from mathematics anymore.
What Operations Are Done by Abacus?
Compared to calculators, abacus enable students to perform computational process more rapidly without using calculators. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are deemed as the four basic mathematical operations which are done by abacus.
If, for example, we need 3 minutes to sum thirty four-digit numbers by a calculator, a student should find the answer in 20 seconds by using abacus.
It is expected that, the process of knowledge-learning would be more authentic by making bridges to the old techniques in the new age.
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